{"type":"txt","text":"GAEUL OH","font_size":28,"font_weight":"bold","font_family_ko":"Noto Sans KR","font_family_en":"PT Sans","color":"black","letter_spacing":0}
  • about
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  • {"google":["PT Sans"],"custom":["Noto Sans KR"]}
    섹션 설정
    {"type":"txt","text":"GAEUL OH","font_size":20,"font_weight":"bold","font_family_ko":"Noto Sans KR","font_family_en":"Mada","color":"black","letter_spacing":0}
  • about
  • works
  • contact
  • Gaeul Oh

    London, UK


    The name Gaeul is of Korean means "Autumn"


    주요 서비스

    영국 및 유럽 스트릿 촬영, 장소대관, 로케이션 스카우팅, 모델 캐스팅,

    웨딩 스타일링, 현지 이벤트 진행,

    런던 여행 동행(가이드) 및, 현지 퍼스널 쇼핑 가이드.

    그 외 패션, 런던 일상 공유 네이버 블로그 '어텀인런던'운영


    I'm a digital fashion content producer in London.

    • Liaising remotely with photographers, bloggers, graphics designers for social media content.
    • Communicating and concisely with a broad range of people to meet tight timelines.
    {"google":["Poppins"],"custom":["Noto Sans KR"]}{"google":["Poppins","PT Sans","Mada","Lora"],"custom":["Noto Sans KR"]}
    {"google":["Poppins"],"custom":["Noto Sans KR"]}
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